WOVEN IN SPIRALS by Reverend Diana Nkesiga

WOVEN IN SPIRALS by Reverend Diana Nkesiga

Blazing the Trail

It may surprise and shock many today but there was a time when women were heavily disregarded especially within the church leadership. That is the story of Rev. Canon Diana M. Nkesiga who followed in the footsteps of only a handful of women that had trailed the blaze of becoming both leaders in the Church of Uganda and, eventually, becoming priests.

Rev Diana joined then Bishop Tucker Theological College and during her time, one of her female predecessors was forced to sit on the classroom verandah. Although Rev. Diana was allowed into the classroom, the not-so-subtle hostility from her male classmates was loud enough to cause her to question her call to the ministry. However, in the same measure, the hostility strengthened her resilience to obey the call of her master, Jesus Christ.

Each challenge was a confirmation that she was in the right place, doing the right thing and she took it in her stride, even when she was taken off the list of those to be ordained as priests!

Rev Diana started a Christian Pre-school to teach the English language to the Xhosa speaking children so that they were integrated into the new South Africa. This was post-apartheid and she gave herself to minister to those that were suffering from HIV/AIDS when everyone preferred to keep a safe distance from this strange disease. Her dedication to those being ravaged by HIV/AIDS – during the time before ARVs –will make you marvel at her strength and compassion.

Rev. Canon Diana M Nkesiga


Rev Diana started a Christian Pre-school to teach the English language to the Xhosa speaking children so that they were integrated into the new South Africa. This was post-apartheid and she gave herself to minister to those that were suffering from HIV/AIDS when everyone preferred to keep a safe distance from this strange disease. Her dedication to those being ravaged by HIV/AIDS – during the time before ARVs –will make you marvel at her strength and compassion.

Her commitment extended to her family and home. In a prideful tone, her late husband Rev. Solomon Nkesiga described her as a friend, wife, mother and priest. He said, “She is a wife who does everything wives do, a wonderful friend, persistent debater on all issues of life.” I would conclude that she is nothing short of the phenomenal Proverbs 31 virtuous woman!

Her life events, the good, the bad and the ugly, are like spirals being woven into a beautiful pattern by God and have in turn created glorious and far-reaching ripples which have positively impacted many issues especially in the area of gender equality in the church and beyond.

We are confident that there is something in this book for everyone to enjoy!

Rev. Canon Diana will be launching her book Woven in Spirals on 24th September, 2021 at Fairway Hotel, Kololo at 2:00pm.


One Response

  1. Diana is definitely a wonderful person and priest. As the editor of the iindaba, our diocesan gazette/newsletter I was privileged to know and work with her and Solomon in the Diocese of Port Elizabeth. I’m so pleased she has written this book.

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